Benefits of Wine. We reproduce here part of the article recently published by:
Which we consider of great interest.
15 Health Benefits of Wine, According to Science. In times of celebration, a wine toast may be just one of the most awaited part by many.
The bubbly wine is usually used to commemorate joyous occasions in one’s life as it symbolizes royalty and reflects love. But aside from taking part in celebrations, wines come with a host of important benefits.
The wine has undergone intensive studies over the years and it has been proven to be an effective elixir. Who says a man needs a fountain of youth to live a long life? Pour yourself a glass of wine from the wine cooler and bottle up some knowledge to find out the surprising benefits.
Drinking Wine Supports Longevity of Life
Resveratrol is a polyphenol that can be found most especially in red wines. It is a powerful antioxidant that can be found in grape skin and red grape juice. Antioxidants help the body fight off free radicals that can damage our cells and organs.
Studies show that resveratrol promotes health and longevity by increasing the activity of a protein called sirtuins. Sirtuins are responsible in protecting the body against diseases of aging. (1)
Several studies have suggested that alcohol consumption, particularly wines, have shown health benefits that lead to longer life spans. Nonetheless, these studies emphasize that positive benefits only come with moderate consumption.
If you want to protect your body against diseases of aging, consuming a moderate amount of wine gives positive health benefits that may lead to long life.
Drinking Wine Helps Keep Our Hearts Healthy
Since ancient times, cardiovascular diseases (CVD) have become a known, life-threatening problem for the world.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), up to the present time, many people are still dying annually from CVD than from any other diseases and it has been the number 1 cause of mortality and morbidity all around the globe. (2)
Many researchers have shown that intake of polyphenols is associated with a reduced risk of CVD. Wines contain polyphenols which can be actively found in flavonoids that also has putative antioxidant properties.
These polyphenols once again are called resveratrol which may help protect the lining of the blood vessel in the heart. Consuming 1 to 2 drinks per day (4 to 8 ounces) may reduce the risk of CVDs.
Drinking wine may help in decreasing low-density lipoprotein (LDL) also known as bad cholesterol which may cause artery damage while increasing the body’s high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which also known as good cholesterol which may reduce the risk for heart disease. Moreover, wine prevents the formation of blood clots. (3)
Key Takeaway: Drinking 4 to 8 ounces of wine per day may lower the risk of having CVD because of the polyphenols that it contains.
Drinking Wine Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Type-2 Diabetes
Type-2 Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) is a lifelong metabolic disorder that is characterized by the way your body metabolizes glucose (sugar). Sugar levels build up in your bloodstream because there’s no enough insulin that can regulate the movement of sugar into your cells. (4)
The number of people suffering from diabetes has risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014 and diabetes prevalence has been rising more rapidly up to the present time. According to American Diabetes Association (ADA), drinking red wine – or any moderate amount of alcoholic beverages can lower blood sugar up to 24 hours.
However, people with Type-2 Diabetes have typically been advised to reduce their alcohol consumption to have a better control of their blood glucose levels. Because of this, ADA recommends checking your blood sugar before you drink, while you drink and after you drink to make sure that it is on the safe level.
Do not drink on an empty stomach because it can lower glucose level even further.
Key Takeaway: Wine drinking can lower blood sugar up to 24 hours in moderate consumption. Benefits of Wine
Wine Has Been Found To Have Anticancer Effects
Cancer ranks the second leading cause of death in the world. Cancer developed from the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells that may be malignant or benign.
Wines contain antioxidants – a substance that may prevent cell damage. Anti-oxidants found in wine such as resveratrol, quercetin, catechin and gallic acid destroys cancer cells and improving the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy cancer treatments.
These antioxidants make tumor cells more sensitive to radiation and making normal tissue less sensitive. (5)
Do not underestimate the growing power of a bottle of red. Red grape, one of the basic ingredients in red wine, suppresses the activity of aromatase which can be an effective approach to preventing the development of breast cancer.
Also, a recent study shows that three or more glasses wine in a week can lower the chances of having abnormal colon growth that can lead to colon cancer.
Red wine could be a key to fighting prostate cancer too. Thanks to the grape compound called resveratrol that makes tumor cells more sensitive to treatment. Researchers have found that an average of four to seven glasses of wine per week gives only 52% chances to men of having prostate cancer than for those who do not drink.
Key Takeaway: Wine contains antioxidants which can help prevent cancer and improve the efficacy of cancer therapies.
The Nutrients In Wine Can Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
People growing always have the fear of losing all their precious memories. Some believe it is inevitable, however, there are literally hundreds of ways that one can prevent it. One of these methods is by drinking wine.
Dementia is a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental process that is gradually taking place during old age. Studies show that wine consumption can reduce the risk of having dementia which often leads to Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is a developing mental deterioration that can occur as one aged. Again, resveratrol found in wines help in keeping blood vessels open, so that essential supply of oxygen and glucose can move freely to the brain to keep it alive and working. (6)
Key Takeaway: Resveratrol which can be found on wine keeps the blood vessels free from blockages that can affect brain functions in retaining memories.
Drinking Wine Can Keep Depression At Bay
Depression has been common but serious disorder for some people because it can affect how you feel, think and handle everyday activities. This may sound contradicting, as most people know that alcohol consumption can worsen one’s depression or anxiety. In spite of that, drinking a glass of wine per week can turn into a depression-fighting depressant.
A seven-year study conducted by PREDIMED analyzed 5,500 individuals of light to moderate drinkers and found that individuals who drank two to seven glasses of wine in a week were less prone to depression than non-drinkers.
Again, this is about drinking in moderation because on the same study those who drank heavy alcoholic beverages were more prone to depression. (7)
Key Takeaway: Enjoying two to seven glasses of wine in a week may be your remedy for depression.
Drinking Wine Can Give You Healthier Skin
High levels of antioxidants in wine, when applied directly to the skin can inhibit the growth of acne-causing bacteria and are beneficial in maintaining a healthy skin. Antioxidants rejuvenate the skin, increase skin elasticity and keep the skin bright and glowing.
In consuming wine as a drink, wine can stimulate blood circulation that can prevent wrinkle formation and skin aging. However, when one drinks in excess, it makes hormone flow lose its balance and may cause skin dehydration and aggravate chances of acne. (8)
Key Takeaway: Wine contains antioxidants and polyphenols that are essential to keep the skin healthy.
Drinking Wine Reduces The Risk Of Fatty Liver Disease
There are two types of fatty liver disease, one is an alcoholic liver disease (ALD) which is characterized by drinking lots of alcohol and the other is a non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) which cause is not clearly known but it has been associated with obesity. (9).
Nearly 12,000 individuals were studied and said to have NAFLD in the US and modest wine consumption has shown some benefit in reducing this disease. Drinkers who consume tolerable amounts of wine, as compared to those who do not drink at all, have reduced their risk to NAFLD in half.
Then again, modest beer or liquor drinkers have a greater probability of having NAFLD because alcohol is a known liver toxin. Antioxidants in wine help reduce damage in DNA cells, which could benefit damaged liver cells. (10)
Key Takeaway: Drinking of wine in moderation can benefit the liver cells that can prevent the risk of having fatty liver disease. Benefits of Wine
Drinking Wine Can Help Prevent Obesity
There is a difference between overweight and obesity. Overweight refers to an excess amount of body weight that may come from muscles, bone, fat and water. Obesity, on the other hand, refers to excessive amounts of body fat.
Based on Global Health Observatory (GHO) data, at least 2.8 million people in the world die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. (11)
Wine, specifically white wine, contains the antioxidant called epicatechin, quercetin, and resveratrol. These antioxidants can lower levels of cholesterol and may also support weight loss by burning belly fats and by decreasing inflammation commonly associated with obesity. (12)
Key Takeaway: White wine promotes weight loss by burning belly fat and by decreasing anti-inflammatory properties.
Wine Can Help Reduce The Risk Of Stroke
Stroke occur when the blood supply to the brain has been blocked.
Is called the ischemic type of stroke or blood vessels within the brain burst .
These two types of stroke are sometimes not fatal but prevention has always been better than cure. Benefits of Wine
Alcohol is well-established as one of the causes of stroke, on the other hand, wine has been linked to stroke prevention because of its unique chemical composition. Resveratrol in red wine decreases inflammation that can contribute to brain injury caused by stroke.
Moreover, resveratrol in wine fights free radicals that are produced before, during and after stroke. These free radicals are harmful because they damage cells in the blood vessel and making the brain prone from bleeding and blockage.
The chemical reaction of resveratrol promotes the process called neuroprotection, which protects the nerves and surrounding blood vessel from damage. (13)
Key Takeaway: Wine decreases inflammation that can cause blockage in the nerves which may lead to stroke.
Drinking Wine Helps Boost Your Body’s Defenses
Daily consumption of wine can boost immune system according to researchers. Ethanol, the chemical component of alcoholic beverages and wine as well helps boost the potency of vaccinations. (14)
Drinking wine in moderation can help develop immunity that can fight against 200 viruses. Wine contains high levels of antioxidants in the form of flavonoids which can combat strongly against viruses. (15)
As a proof, red wine can help cure the symptoms of flu and cold. The polyphenol resveratrol can prevent viruses from multiplying once they have entered the body’s system.
Daily consumption of wine helps boost the immune system as it contains a high level of antioxidants .
Drinking Wine Strengthens The Bones
Past researchers have associated moderate wine drinking with improved bone density. As human age, bones are becoming thinner and weaker. New studies show that drinking wine in moderation may help reduce the risk of having osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is most common to women after they have reached the menopausal stage. Osteoporosis makes the bone brittle and more fragile with an increased susceptibility to bone fracture. (16)
One or two glasses of wine per day can protect women from thinning bones. It appears that modest consumption of wine bridges the imbalance between the dissolving old bone and poor production of new bone that can lead to osteoporosis in older women. (17)
Key Takeaway: Osteoporosis can be lessened through modest consumption of wine in older women
Wine Can Protect Our Teeth Against Dental Plaque
Helps prevent dental caries by inhibiting the growth of certain bacteria found in oral biofilm. Rresearches done by American Chemical Society.
Wine can slow down the growth of bacteria that can cause cavities. (18)
Polyphenols, wine, and grape seed extract can slow down the growth of bacteria responsible for the formation of tooth decay.
Though red wine can help reduce these bacteria optimal oral health still results from daily dental hygiene.
ncluding wine into your diet can increase your defenses against dozens of possible teeth and gum diseases.
Key Takeaway: Wine can inhibit the growth of bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Nonetheless, daily dental hygiene routine is still the best way to protect our teeth from decaying.
Drinking Wine Can Improve Our Eyesights
Ophthalmologist, Milind Pande, says that the resveratrol which can be found in wine may be beneficial to the eyes.
Resveratrol prevents age-related deteriorations of eye muscles. One of these age-related deteriorations of eye muscles is called Macular Degeneration.
Macular Degeneration is a leading cause of vision loss and is considered as incurable eye disease.
The macula is the one responsible for your ability to read, recognize, and see objects in fine details. Resveratrol which can be found in wine and grapes prevent the growth of blood vessel in the eyes that can lead to macular degeneration. (19)
Key Takeaway: Wine can prevent age-related deteriorations of eye muscles. So, say goodbye to carrots and drink up your wine for better eye health.
Wine Can Help Prevent Gallstones
The gallbladder is an organ located under the liver. It stores bile which is responsible for our body’s fat digestion. Although, gallbladder itself is not important and formation of gallstones may not actually be a problem. At times when gallstone is pushed out of the gallbladder, there’s a tendency that it might get stuck in the bile duct which can cause you a lot of pain.Gallstones are hard and have the same appearance as pebbles. (20)
Have suggested moderate consumption of wine prevent the formation of gallstones, in the gallbladder. After they have studied the dietary habits of 25, 639 patients for over 10 years.
Successful research showed that patients who consumed 175ml of wine per day decrease the chance of developing gallstones by thirty-two percent. (21)
Key Takeaway: To avoid future complications caused by gallstones, it is advised to consume 175ml of wine per day. Benefits of Wine