Spanish Wine

Find your favorite wines thanks to the large selection of Reserve wines from Spain from iberoWine. Spanish Reserve wines are aged for 3 years before they go on sale, of which Reserve red wines must be stored in barrels for at least 1 year and Reserve white wines at least 6 months. Order high quality Reserve wines from the comfort of your home.
Reserve wines
The aging time of a Reserve wine is about three years.
Its stay in barrel is one year, the same period as for aging wines.
What makes a reserve wine special?
Consequently, the most differentiating note of a Reserva wine is its aging time.
For white and rosé wines, the aging time is 24 months, of which at least 6 months must be spent in the barrel.
In certain Denominations of Origin, this aging time is lengthened, which means that nuances of wood are transmitted to the wine.
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