Spanish Wine

Spanish Wine

FILTER Designation of Origin Type of Wine Classes Grape Exchange Price

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Aldeya Reserva
6.16 £/btl 5.68 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Aldeya Reserva

0,75 L

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Arzuaga Reserva
25.52 £/btl 25.12 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Arzuaga Reserva

0,75 L
Ribera del Duero

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Azpilicueta Reserva
10.8 £/btl 10.16 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Azpilicueta Reserva

Red 0,75L

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Cruz de los Reserva
18 £/btl 17.2 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Cruz de los Reserva

0,75 L

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De Beroz Reserva Familia
10.24 £/btl 9.52 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

De Beroz Reserva Familia

0,75 L

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El Vinculo Reserva
14.32 £/btl 13.44 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

El Vinculo Reserva

Red 0,75L
La Mancha

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Estada Reserva
6.56 £/btl 6.32 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Estada Reserva

Red 0,75L

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Finca Valpiedra
14.24 £/btl 13.84 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Finca Valpiedra

0,75 L

91 Parker ( 2012)

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Gran Coronas
17.04 £/btl 16 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Gran Coronas


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Henri Abelé Rose
39.2 £/btl 38.4 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Henri Abelé Rose

Gault et Millau: 15.5/20
A.O.C. Champagne

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Izadi Reserva
11.12 £/btl 10.8 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Izadi Reserva

0,75 L

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Moët & Chandon Rose
39.84 £/btl 39.68 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Moët & Chandon Rose

0,75 L
A.O.C. Champagne

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Monte Real  Reserva de Familia
7.6 £/btl 7.2 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Monte Real Reserva de Familia

Red 0,75L

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Sers Reserva
11.36 £/btl 11.12 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Sers Reserva


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Silentium Reserva
13.52 £/btl 12.72 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Silentium Reserva

0,75 L
Ribera del Duero

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Solar Viejo Reserva
7.6 £/btl 7.2 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Solar Viejo Reserva

0,75 L

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Tamaral Finca La Mira Reserva
12 £/btl 11.2 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Tamaral Finca La Mira Reserva

0,75 L
Ribera del Duero

91 Wine Spectator

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Tinto Pesquera Millenium Reserva
60 £/btl 54.4 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Tinto Pesquera Millenium Reserva

Red 0,75L
Ribera del Duero

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Valsarte Reserva
7.2 £/btl 7.12 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Valsarte Reserva

Red 0,75L

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Viña Bosconia Reserva
18.56 £/btl 18.32 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Viña Bosconia Reserva

0,75 L

94 Parker

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Viña Tondonia Blanco Reserva
25.2 £/btl 24.8 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Viña Tondonia Blanco Reserva

0,75 L

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Viyuela Reserva
17.52 £/btl 16.72 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Viyuela Reserva

0,75 L
Ribera del Duero

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Viyuela X Aniversario
21.2 £/btl 19.92 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Viyuela X Aniversario

0,75 L
Ribera del Duero

88 Suckling

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Flor de Moncayo Reserva
6 £/btl 5.12 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

Flor de Moncayo Reserva


Campo de Borja

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Find your favorite wines thanks to the large selection of Reserve wines from Spain from iberoWine. Spanish Reserve wines are aged for 3 years before they go on sale, of which Reserve red wines must be stored in barrels for at least 1 year and Reserve white wines at least 6 months. Order high quality Reserve wines from the comfort of your home.

Reserve wines

The aging time of a Reserve wine is about three years.
Its stay in barrel is one year, the same period as for aging wines.

What makes a reserve wine special?

Consequently, the most differentiating note of a Reserva wine is its aging time.
For white and rosé wines, the aging time is 24 months, of which at least 6 months must be spent in the barrel.
In certain Denominations of Origin, this aging time is lengthened, which means that nuances of wood are transmitted to the wine.

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