Buy D.O. Getariako Txakolina wines online

Buy D.O. Getariako Txakolina wines online

Txakoli wines By Order of September 21, 1989, of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the designation of origin Chacolí de Getaria- (...) continue reading

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Txakoli Txomin Etxanix
7.92 £/btl 7.68 £/btl Units: 6 ADD

Txakoli Txomin Etxanix

0,75 L
Getariako Txakolina

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K5 11 meses sobre Lias
15.92 £/btl 14.8 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

K5 11 meses sobre Lias

0,75 L
Getariako Txakolina

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K Pilota
8.24 £/btl 7.68 £/btl Units: 0 ADD

K Pilota

0,75 L
Getariako Txakolina

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Txakoli wines

By Order of September 21, 1989, of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, the designation of origin Chacolí de Getaria-Getariako Txakolina was definitively recognized, and its regulations and regulatory council were approved.
Since then there are several reasons that led to the modification of the regulations, but the Order of April 27, 2007, of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, repeals the previous ones, keeps in force the date of official recognition of the denomination and approves the revised text of its regulations.
The production area of the wines covered by the Txakoli Designation of Origin of Getaria is concentrated mainly in land located in the municipalities of Aia, Getaria and Zarautz, recently extending to the entire territory of Gipuzkoa. However, the latter must be considered suitable by the Regulatory Council and the corresponding Administration.
Two indigenous varieties, the Hondarrabi Zuri, which accounts for 95% of the vineyard, and the Hondarrabi Beltza, the remaining 5%, are the vines that are cultivated in trellises and in expaldera produce the grapes with which the Txakoli de Getaria is made.

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Designation of Origin

Product of the Basque Country | Catalunya | Tierra de Leon | Terra Alta | without GI | Ribera del Jucar | Pago de Arinzano | A.O.C. Champagne | Alicante | Almansa | Bajo Aragon oil | Bierzo | Campo de Borja | Calatayud | Cariñena | Cava | Cigales | Condado de Huelva | Crémant de Bourgogne | D.O.C Prosecco | Dominio de Valdepusa | El Terrerazo | Emporda | IGP Bajo Aragón | IGP Valdejalón | Jerez | Jumilla | La Mancha | IGP Valle del Cinca | Madrid | Málaga | Manzanilla - Sanlúcar de Barrameda | DOP Mentrida-Toledo | Monterrei | Montsant | Navarra | Pago Finca Bolandín | Penedes | Priorat | Product of Spain | Rias Baixas | Ribeira Sacra | Ribeiro | Ribera del Duero | Rioja | Rueda | Somontano | Toro | V.T. Castilla y León | V.T.Castilla-La Mancha | V.T. de Cadiz | V.T. del Bajo Aragón | V.T. Ribera del Gállego-Cinco Villas | Valdeorras | Valencia | Valley of Ordesa
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