Buy grape wine prieto picudo
Characteristics of the Prieto Picudo grape
The prieto picudo is one of the main red grapes of the wines of the Spanish Denomination of Origin León. It is a variety with a lot of coloring matter, with a remarkable acidity and with a large amount of sugar and tannin. This concentration gives the wines a special and different flavor.
It is planted on a trellis, to improve its production, without having established which type of pruning is the most convenient, the safest thing is thumb and stick, which guarantees good production, but has the disadvantage of being well done in pruning and back tied.
Prieto Picudo grape wines
The varietal wines of this grape have characteristics similar to those of Tempranillo.8 It gives rise to very aromatic and personal wines, although somewhat light with respect to color.9
With this grape a "sparkling wine" is produced, made with the "madreo" method.