Buy grape wine Cabernet Sauvignon
In iberoWine you will find a wide variety of wines made with the Cabernet Sauvignon grape. Ideal wines for any occasion. Fill your cellar with wines from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape.
wines Cabernet Sauvignon grape
Where the Cabernet Sauvignon grape wine is made
Cabernet Sauvignon is a strain of French origin, the Bordeaux wine region and one of the most recognized grape varieties worldwide.
It is characterized by dense and aristocratic tannins, deep color, complex fruity aromas, elegant structure and its suitability for breeding. Quite vigorous and mid-late budding variety, quite erect vegetation and medium-short internodes.
Intense, deep color, are tannic in their youth; but, when opened, develops a panoply of floral aromas (violet, pink), fruit (blueberries, cassis, raspberries, blueberries) and vegetables (green pepper, unroasted coffee, without forgetting also the complexity that we can obtain at least a first step barrels).
These flavors can be made more complex with the breeding, exhibiting notes of smoke, cedar, creosote, incense, licorice and exciting scent of truffle. Fits better in temperate and dry climates or ventilated areas in the north prefer good sun-exposed areas on hills and light soils especially in the valleys