Buy grape wine petit verdot
Grape wines petit verdot
Petit verdot is a black grape variety used in the production of red wine, mainly mixed with Cabernet Sauvignon.
Its aromas have been compared to banana and pencil shavings. Acquire strong violet tones during the maturation process.
Where the wines of the grape petit verdot are made
The places where this grape is grown are diverse and distributed throughout the world. They are produced in Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, California, and of course in France.
Best wines of petit verdot grape.
Tasting Notes: Violet red, intense and bright. The notes of red fruits, plums and blackberries combined with the aromas of caramel, vanilla and mocha contributed by the aging in wood result in a great aromatic complexity. Large volume, very fatty and meaty. Acidity present and well balanced that gives good relief in the mouth. The tannins are sweet and well balanced with the sweetness of the fruit and the wood.